Actually, it describes key aspects of C. S. Lewis' ideas, on how God sees the universal human condition. But I think its what the Bible teaches too...
In summary:
1) There is a sense in which God can completely agree with and encourage the fundamental desires of ALL men everywhere. This is because He WANTS the greatest good, the deepest joy, and the eternal satisfaction of His people. Which is, fundamentally, what every single human wants and pursues - even those who self-harm or commit murder. In fact this is essential for true faith - this satisfaction can ONLY be truly realized in God, and part of faith is recognizing this and subsequently pursuing it with the heart.
2) Because God is absolutely committed to this (encouraging and pursuing our fundamental desires with us), there is a real sense in which He MUST oppose most of our own personal attempts. This is because they are usually self-destructive (for us and often for others), and certainly do not succeed in attaining our fundamental desires. Worse, they discourage any real progress towards God's goals and our goals by making light of the satisfying value of Christ.
Read the post and see what you think :)